Tuesday, February 15, 2011


   It's been a unique pleasure to share time and space with three different yet like minded individuals as they trade time, space, and ideas in order to bring Rebirth to life.  I have jokingly called them The Triumvirate on more than one occasion, but I'm beginning to think they're more like The Trinity.  That kind of  benevolence, care, and laughter in creating something this side of Heaven could only come from (in no particular order) a Jason Morant, a Jeremy Lutito, and a Dan Brigham.  I don't mean this statement to be sacrilegeous by any means, but to see them weave in and out of one another as they try to shape these songs is nothing short of divine; and all without anger or argument, just trust.

It has been a privelege to work with them.

This whole process has been full of much needed growth, and I'm excited to see where the road will take us.

  I'm humbled by the response I've already begun to receive from Death.  It definitely comes from a place of brokeness and triumph, and I think that's something that resonates in others.  It felt like it took forever to finish, and it has been a relief to put it out there. For those of you who are listening, thank you.  I hope you'll want to “march” with us for a long time to come!


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