Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pregnant Pause

There is a quiet in the Afterlife Parade camp right now.  It is a confident sense of anticipation about the steps we are about to take.  We are, first of all, incredibly humbled by the overwhelmingly positive response we have received from people, blogs, and radio stations about Death.  I think I feel the most encouraged by how many people get what we are trying to do and are finding comfort in this last batch of songs; it is always neat to know what different people take away from listening.  Dialogue always tends to create a deeper understanding or at least, I think so anyway.  We very much believe in these songs, and we are proud to know that you do too.

Living with Death and letting it breath while we've been in the process of recording, mixing, packaging, and eventually releasing Rebirth has felt like a valley in a sense; I suppose it should.  We are living with the ultimate question of how well it will be received.  There is almost a sort of “death” in that.  We've created expectations or desires about our sound, and we certainly want to live up to those, and yet we want to make way for something new and unexpected too.  To me, Rebirth is not as much a departure as it is a progression in sound and a set up for the future.  Also, “I” has become “We” in this album cycle because Afterlife Parade is a band and will always be and “our” sound will change as members contribute over time.  That is so exciting to think about the sound of a band evolving!

We have been practicing and practicing, we have listened and listened again, and then practiced more to make sure we communicate the sound of these two projects to the fullest.  The summer will find us releasing a single (on June 8), playing a handful of dates, releasing a couple of live videos, practicing some more, releasing Rebirth (on August 8), and planning and playing a slew of dates in the fall (hopefully).  Thank you for embracing us and these songs—we are happy to share them with all of you.  We hope you'll join us in song as we grow and march together.



P.S. Can't wait to introduce you to Tony Clucas, Drummer/Percussionist Extraordinaire!