Monday, March 19, 2012

The Family Crest

The Afterlife Parade family crest is a visual metaphor of who we are and who we hope to be.  It combines the mythical bird, the phoenix, a budding rose, and ticker tape.
We call our icon a family crest because of the kinship we feel in creating music and art together.  And like a good family, we do our best to support each other in our individual endeavors. Whatever we do, we strive to do with integrity, and crests are seen as symbols of honor hearkening back to chivalrous times.
According to myth, when the phoenix had lived its full cycle, it would ignite itself on fire, and rise from the ashes young again.  It is often seen as a symbol of change, renewal, and rebirth.  The phoenix in the Afterlife Parade family crest is turned upwards as it makes it recovery ascent.  The phoenix is a perfect representative of Afterlife Parade because Afterlife Parade will always change and renew itself with every project, every show, and every player that gives the band its voice.  The phoenix is also a source of a hope because we believe that good can come from difficult moments even when we endure “fire” to find it.  It is the fires of life that forge the people we become.
Roses are common trinkets thrown in parades and are often regarded as the most beautiful flowers in all of creation.  They are commonly connected to romance, passion, and friendship.  Afterlife Parade exists to find and point to the beautiful aspects of life whether found in triumphant or dour circumstances.  Our music is an extension and an expression of our passion for lives well lived.  The rose is also our invitation of friendship to others.  It is our desire that all the people we come in contact with will not just listen or watch, but participate with us and share hope with others.  Everyone is a part of Afterlife Parade if they choose to be.
Ticker tape is one of the glories of any parade if it is being thrown from rooftops or floats.  It is one of the trademarks of celebration, and Afterlife Parade is a celebration of all things.
In name, image, sound, and life, we desire to be source of hope bridging the gap between the serious and the celebratory.
We are Afterlife Parade.

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